Flood forecasting service
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

Detail station Pilníkov - most

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River Pilníkovský potok
Gauge Pilníkov - most
Category B
Basin number 1-01-01
Municipality Trutnov
Gauge operator OÚ Pilníkov
Flood warning limits
1. Level H = 90 [cm] Flood watch
2. Level H = 120 [cm] Flood warning
3. Level H = 150 [cm] Flooding
3. Level H = not specified Extreme flooding
Drought H = not specified Drought

Valid for / Critical locality
celý tok
Gauge metadata Pilníkov - most
Measurement and forecast (data)
Hydrology comment
Neautomatizovaný hlásný profil kategorie B
Date and time Stage [cm] Flow [m3s-1] Temperature [°C]